Two great things on the horizon.
Coming fast is the Musea get-together hosted in my office in Brooklyn. That’s happening Friday November 30th at 7:30, and it’s free! You’ll get to hang out with yours truly and chat it up with Michael Howard, as he talks about the future of photography and what Musea is up to. Don’t miss out! Get the deets here.
Around the bend is the Musea Gathering New York. That’s happening from February 26-28. You’ll spend three intense days supercharging your photography business with Samm Blake, Holger Thoss, John Dolan, and me. If you haven’t heard any of them speak, put this on your calendar. It’s well worth the price of admission. You won’t find this density of education anywhere else. You can learn more about it at the Musea Gathering website.
Thanks for posting this Spencer! I appreciate you opening your studio for this! Can’t wait to meet up in person finally!
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