I was once told a present is something someone else wants to have, and a gift is something you want them to have. If you give someone a present, there probably isn’t much you need to do. Stick it in a bag, take out the receipt, hand it over. You’re all set. But a gift is something both more beautiful and delicate. A gift is all about care. Wrap it perfectly, tie it neatly, and tell a story about what it means, and it’s everything. Pull it out of your pocket along with a fluff of pocket lint, and just say “here,” and it’s doomed to fail.
Gifts represent our desire to share who we are and show what the relationship means to us. It’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. But as we go through the year, as we try to give, give, and give, if it ever seems that there just isn’t anything more we have to offer, remember that it’s not always presents that everyone needs. Simply letting people know we care, that they matter, and that they’re in our hearts is enough. Taking a moment to wrap it all up, and just to give something can be worth more than we know. And gifts are things never short in supply. We need only try.
It’s never been easy for me to pull the trigger. I’ve often felt like I have a life of false starts, waiting more than going. Running a business has been one of the hardest things I’ve done. Writing a blog, even harder. I first gave it a try in 2005, but I don’t think I made it further than 11 articles. There’s something about committing to your words that, though one part empowering, is also one part terrifying, and one part humbling. So thank you to everyone out there for your contributions. Thank you to those who shared, commented and tweeted. To those who let me showcase their imagery. And, mostly, to all of you for being you. Cheers!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Thank you! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Barbu!