Either life informs art or art informs life. You either evolve, grow, and change, or you stand still and wither.
In the face of true living, change is assured. And, in change, there will always be deviation from the norm. Don’t fear this. Don’t run from eccentricity. Great artists, innovators, and creators lead lives of constant change. Their greatest achievements come in their most significant departures from the mainstream.
The greatest dangers of achievement aren’t the trappings of success but the fear of loss. Too often, modest accomplishment becomes conformity, as people try to hold on to what they’ve achieved. Fighting for legacy is antithetical to the cause. You can preserve success no more than you can keep water cupped in your hands.
In this age of the personal brand, conformity to both others and to yourself is a constant pull. Fight this. When you are most willing to leave the ground you stand on, you’re most likely to find new innovation. When you let the journey speak for itself no matter where you go, others will follow.
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