I’ve had days where getting out of bed was its own special challenge. Where nothing sounded better than hiding under the covers, paralyzed by a fear of failure that wouldn’t let go, and the only way I could cope was not to cope at all. I’d let the time pass, until darkness came, another day gone. And so often, I’d furrow deep into my mind and wonder where it all went. Where the hope went. Where the certainty went. What happened to the me of yesterday?
It used to be you had security. Drinks at lunch, a bar in the office, and a 9-to-5 job with a career ahead. You paid your dues, you got in, and you rode the slipstream right into your sunny retirement with the gold watch and Mai Tais on the beach. But those are days long gone in a new economy that’s becoming well worn.
Now we’ve got the age of reinvention. A carrot on a stick and a constant chase. You go at it. You go hard. If you don’t make it, you take a breath, and do it all over again. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. And if you do make it? You ride it, then you take a breath, and you do it all over again. Whatever you do, you can’t coast. Not now. Not when it’s only you. Not when constant concern and an endless fight defines the day. Go big or go home has never been more true. As Andrew Ross says in Nice Work if You Can Get It, it’s a Jackpot Economy.
Uncertainty is the new normal, and braving it is more than just brave. It’s essential and necessary, and as gutsy it gets – risking failure for every small success. Something works, so what? The slipstream is gone, so all you can do is double down and go on.
But here’s something to think about. In the face of this constant reinvention, where you up the stakes every single step of the way – where even retreat offers barely a pause and hardly a rest – consider this:
Harvard Psychologist Daniel Gilbert found lottery winners returned back to previous levels of happiness after only 3 years. We simply adjust. Which we all know, because you get something new – the fast new computer, the shiny car, or the big contract – and it takes no time at all before the dissatisfaction returns, and we’re right back at it, looking to the next thing.
But if it’s true that we adjust no matter what happens, because that’s how we are, then here’s the corollary: when you lose something, you’ll normalize too. Your body takes care of itself. It feels like you’re risking the world every time you take a step forward. And maybe it’s always been that way, but the tension has been ratcheted up more than a few notches as we live at the speed of data. But know if you slip and fall, you’ll bounce back just the same. Which Daniel Gilbert also confirmed. Like lottery winners, amputees returned to their normal level of happiness, as well.
For all the glory of living your way, there’s also a gnawing fear when so much is on the line. Even the smallest of things can feel monumental. So much so that it can be easier to cradle yourself tight and let the time pass than to take the risk and make the wrong call. It may seem like there’s more skin in the game now than ever, but if a win is only going to last so long, a loss is just part of equation, and we always bounce back to where we were and who we are, then in reality going big never cost less. So let go of the worry. Let go of the drag on your wings that keep you from flight. Once you do that, you’ll find the hope. You’ll find yourself. And you’ll find tomorrow.
Thanks for this Spencer, just the thing to pop up in my inbox as I lay here in the glow of my iPhone, awake at 3am, working on ideas for the new website that’s in development. Its been over ten amazing, rich-with-experience years in business, but I gotta say I’m sick of the knots of stress with the bank balance spiking and plummeting, it’s time to take some chances, make some wins and misses and prosper in every sense. Always love your writing mate, keep up the amazing work.
Big thanks, Luke. Really glad to hear from you, and I appreciate that!
I didn’t want to like this post, I didn’t want it to hit so close to home, and I especially didn’t want to be typing out a gratitude that will not even come close to capturing how I really feel that you wrote all this out and sent it into the world where it somehow magically landed on me. ….. Thank you. Thank you for all the things I didn’t want but really needed instead.
Thanks, Mathew! Appreciate that, and I’m so happy to hear it did find its way to you.
This posts eloquently how I feel about the photography business. My husband is a commercial photographer, so he has always been self-employed. Over the years, we have also had a portrait studio and a school portrait business. (We still have all three!) I left the workforce 13 years ago so I could stay home with my children. I feel thankful that business has been good enough that I don’t have to get a “job.” I do help manage our business: I am the voice on the phone when clients call and I am the hustler – I market EVERY day. It takes a lot to keep all the balls in the air.
When we have those frustrations from being in business for ourselves, we always end the conversation talking about how if you work for a company, your job is no more secure than ours. People get laid off all the time for no good reason. Also, when I worked for a Fortune 500 company, there was a very rigid job structure – you were classified as X grade, and your salary could only go up x% each year. By being in business for yourself, it is up to YOU how much money you make. You can’t be afraid to hustle!