Here’s to 1 more year. 1 more month. 1 more day. 1 more second. 1 more instant. This instant. An instant in an absence of time, an absence of place.
Leave yesterday behind, let tomorrow come, but breathe here, breathe now, breathe deeper. Stand taller. Feel the texture of your own life. The beat of your heart, the rhythm of your pulse. Don’t lose it. Don’t let go. Ever. Hold on. Fight for it.
Make it happen. Make it count. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow hasn’t come. Connect the dots by living now, and tomorrow’s dreams and hopes will find you. Don’t do it the other way around. Don’t put anything on hold. Don’t focus on getting things off the to-do list. Focus on getting things on the to-be list.
Forget the aggravation. Don’t feed the insecurity. They’ll be there. Don’t let them stop you. Do something you haven’t done. Be something that makes you the person you need to be. That’s how you make your way into tomorrow. Otherwise, you’ll spend your life in yesterday. If you forget about getting that something done, tomorrow never comes.
So go hard. Go fast. Dig deep. Deeper than you think you can, until you collapse with sweat on your brow, a smile on your face, and a tremble in your heart. Give it the time, but don’t let it settle, and let go of the rest. Don’t worry about anyone else.
Life isn’t about hurdles. Bumps in the road or barriers to cross. It is movement. Cradle your dreams tight. Make them your beacons that give you movement. Every day. Every shoot. Every second. Get closer to them, and never sit back for the ride. Because this is a ride you want to see in the first person.
This is the thing you do – you’ve done it, you know it, it’s in you. Now let it out. Do it now. No more waiting. 1 year. That’s more than enough. Make it all you have. Everything is always all you have. So kill it. Ready. Set. Go.
Happy New Year. Thanks for inspiring me throughout 2012, and I will continue looking forward to your posts in 2013!
Much appreciated! Happy New Year to you!