Here’s a quick tip. Always listen whenever a client jokes about their appearance. No one is going to tell you “I’m really insecure and ugly.” But they will say things in jest, like “Can you do anything with this chin?” or “I sure hope my nose doesn’t ruin the photos!” Take these jokes dead seriously. Because they’re not saying “I know I don’t look great, so if you show this part of me, I understand.” They’re saying “Please, please, please, do not emphasize this part of me that I don’t feel good about.” If I’m worried enough about some aspect of my body to reference it in a conversation, you can pretty much double down on the fact that I don’t want to see it in a picture that preserves me for eternity.
So very very true. An excellent point that needs reminding. My wedding photographer disregarded my comments (and my husband’s) on items we nicely mentioned avoiding. I see them every time I look at my photos.