What does Netflix tell us about 24? Well, first, it’s just not the same the second time around. Second, I remember very little. Very, very little. Third, despite the reduced entertainment value, my poor memory coupled with the entertainment value that’s there is apparently enough to keep me watching. And, finally, fourth, it is using up too much of my time at night.
But, on the positive side, I’ve found you can pretty much learn everything you need to know about life by watching Jack Bauer. Works for business. Works for weddings. After all, shooting weddings can feel a little like being an agent caught in a crossfire. So, in an effort to recoup some value from a decade-old series, I am sharing what I’ve learned over the past few weeks.
Ten Life Lessons from 24
1. You will be famous if you do a good job. There’s no terrorist in the world who doesn’t shudder when he hears the name Jack Bauer. There’s no government official who doesn’t utter his name in awe.
2. People will hate you for what you do when you have more conviction than they do. They may try to kill you. They may try to frame you. But they’ll respect you.
3. True purpose is more important than getting the credit. It saves us from biohazards, nuclear disasters, and evil presidents. Imagine what it can do for pictures.
4. No matter how good you are, you will spend a lot of time saying “Damnit,” and most plans will fail. Rolling with the punches is a lot more important than trying to figure out how it’s all going to play out.
5. If there’s a will, there’s a way. You can get out of every situation if you’re just thoughtful and clever enough about it, and you have access to Chloe.
6. Say what you mean. People may not like to hear it. But they’ll appreciate it in the end, and they’ll know that you’re never going to back down.
7. Be nice to people who do right by you. Good relationships are worth preserving, and treating people well will mean they’ll be there to do you favors when things count. Most frequently, they’ll go behind the back of Division and give you access to CTU resources.
8. Big plans are a waste of time. Living in the moment will keep you moving and engage you. It will occasionally get you tortured, as well.
9. Everything is forgotten, and everyone moves on. Don’t linger on the past. Presidents may die, friends can turn evil, and people will come in and out of your life. But there’s nothing you can do about it other than hang on.
10. Never hire your daughter to fight off terrorists.
P.S. As a bonus, here’s #11: Always tell people how long things are going to take.
Great article Spencer. Just started watching it again from season 1, series 9 could be Jack taking up Wedding Photography and taking no shit.
Ah, now there’s an idea I’d like to see happen!